
Blog posts of '2018' 'August'

Ammunition Matters: RWS Meisterkugeln Precision Pistol Pellets

For as many reasons as there are to shoot pellet pistols, there are at least as many reasons to shoot RWS Meisterkugeln Precision Pistol pellets in your air pistol. For starters, pellet pistols are typically low-velocity affairs. This limitation in velocity tends to direct the application of the gun to certain activities.

The Magnificent Mauser

The Legends line of air pistols and rifles has been extremely popular among collectors and backyard plinkers alike. This is no accident. Many Hollywood movies and popular military based games have kept the firearms used in conflicts at the forefront of consumers’ minds. So when we launch a product like the Legends M712 replica, the response is enthusiastic, to say the least. 

5 Gift Ideas for Shooters That Can Be Handed Down

Unfortunately, we do live in an age of consumables. That phone you paid top dollar for two years ago? Hardly worth repairing today. This is true for refrigerators, phones, and cars, and can openers, coffee makers, and TVs. Does anything have enduring value anymore?