

Which 1911 Should I Buy?



If you’ve been around the handgun world for any length of time you know there are two basic camps when it comes to autoloaders: “Tupperware” and “Real Steel”. The former being polymer based firearms and the latter being steel framed firearms.  In some people’s minds the difference between th...

Top Three Things Every BB Gun Owner Should Know


One of the best things you can do is give the gift of BB gun fun at Christmas. It’s nearly as good to give this gift to yourself. BB guns have come a long way since the 1980s but in general some things are still very true about them. Number one, they are fun. First hand experience, to anecdotal...

PCP Airgun Hunting on a Budget



The old saying is that money doesn’t grow on trees.  Yes, the struggle is real and these days more and more people are struggling to pay their bills, let alone pick up some new gear for their hobbies. Inflation and stagnant wages are tag-teaming us average Joes to cause pain.  One of the nice ...

The Best Air Pistol on the Market?


“The best”-- it’s a subjective term in cases of preference and definitive in terms of a race or track performance. When it comes to marketing and selling stuff, “The Best” is often proclaimed on a certain product to get your attention– “Best in class towing capacity”, “Best sounding speakers un...

The Legends M3 “Grease Gun”



Some of the coolest items on earth are made out of a precious, rare material called Unobtanium. Unobtanium is so rare and special that unless you are also a very rare and special person, you will likely never get your hands on that item. In fact, you might never even lay your eyes on said ob...

From Plinking to Pesting, Umarex Has a Pellet Pistol for You!


The category of air pistols has and is mostly filled with BB shooting varieties. If a pellet version was offered, historically, this was a break barrel design or a bolt action CO2 powered model.  Replica pellet pistols have been around for a while, but due to their disk style magazines, these m...

Understanding Benchrest Competition Shooting

Umarex team Member Eydin Hansen at the bench for the Pyramyd Cup, 2023

The centerpiece of modern airgun competition is benchrest shooting.  Why? The most likely explanation for this is the level of precision needed to be competitive and the elimination of as many variables as possible. In theor...

Top 5 Things to Do While Snowed in This Winter
Winter is gonna winter. Here in the northern hemisphere that means cooler weather for all of us and some of us get blessed (blasted?) with the powdery precipitation more commonly called snow.
Canex for Can X-ing!


Over time there are gobs of premium features on items from cars to coffee makers to phones to refrigerators that have journeyed from luxury-big money status to standard equipment on the base model.  Finding a car that doesn’t have power windows or an automatic transmission is kinda hard these d...

End of One Year, Start of Another
I know, the band U2 is not everyone’s cup of tea, but New Year’s Day is quickly approaching. And every year for the past 15 or so years I have made it a tradition to blast this tune in whatever vehicle I happen to drive that day. The lyric, “nothing changes, on New Year’s Day” stands to remind me, yet again and forever, as the years go by, nothing ever really changes.