
Blog posts tagged with 'umarex usa'

Fresh Air and No Pump– The Synergis Elite


Some surprises are good and welcome. Others are not so welcome. For me and likely you, too, surprise expenses are always a downer. Just the other day I woke up to a flat battery in my truck. A “good” car battery these days is well north of $200.  Rats. Such is life. 


When it comes to air ri...

I know I’m Biased but…the Zelos is the New Hotness


It is true that I had high expectations for the Zelos when I saw the first prototype some time back. I really, really hoped that this future rifle would be all that and a bag of chips.Only time would tell.  We all should be familiar with patiently waiting for things that we really want.  We beg...

Winter Blues?  We Haven’t Even Had a Fall!


What a wacky, weird year this has been. Well, it started out more or less normal in most areas of the country, but as the summer wore on, and it’s evidently still wearing on, normal went out of the window many weeks ago. The usual mid-to-late September cool down we experience here in the Ozarks...

Adding it Up– What does it cost to shoot?
Unless you have so much that you don’t ever have to worry about how much something costs and even then it all comes down to money. Everything we need, everything we consume, every tangible object we mere mortals desire has to be purchased in some way. That formula looks something like unto this: Time (rate of pay/skill or responsibility). There’s really no way to escape it that in this modern western society, one exchanges time and skill for the filthy lucre we need to make life happen.
Punching Above Their Weight Class: Three Umarex Winners You Might Have Missed
If you look at the latest news in airgunning you’d think the world has gone mad. Many airguns are now hitting 4 digits left of the old decimal point in price. Ouch. Where did the regular old BB guns go? The good news is that while they might not be making headlines like the uber-expensive PCP airguns, the CO2 and spring powered air guns are still out there and people are still buying them. Which ones would that be? I’m glad you asked.
Buck Rail Airgun Accessories for the Zelos
While we were up in Ohio for the Pyramyd Air Cup a few weeks ago we couldn’t help but notice one of the other vendors there as well. This would be Buck Rail, owned and operated by Terry Harman. Terry is a veteran who loves pew-pews and airguns. He’s also a savvy businessman who was smart enough to focus on a market that isn’t anywhere nearly as crowded as the firearm market– and that would be the airgun market. Yes, the airgun market is still what you would call a niche market, but we do have an enthusiastic group of customers in the airgunning realm. What Terry is doing with Buck Rail is creating products and modifications for airguns that are extremely practical and functional.
Pyramyd Air Cup 2024
It’s officially mid-September and Team Umarex has just gotten settled back into their normal routines after having attended the 2024 Pyramyd Air Cup in Marengo, Ohio. Due to a weird weather pattern, the central Ohio area was a bit warmer than usual. It was also a bit more windy than usual, too, during daylight hours. Depending on how you look at it, the lack of rain was either a blessing or a curse. I’m sure, given the near drought conditions present in Ohio, the natives were ready for some precipitation however they could get it.