
Blog posts tagged with 'umarex'

Bundle Up– in August?
Yeah, I meant what I said– It’s August and you need to bundle up! No, I’m not talking about layering your clothes for cold weather, but rather layering up our Range Ready, Ammo, Hunting and other bundles found on our website. We have spent quite a bit of time working on these bundles to ensure there is a fair deal for you as a consumer. The items selected in the bundles are not just picked on a whim- the items are strategically paired with the main product for ideal use.
Umarex Hits the Mountain!  RMAC 2024
I hope you got a kick out of that title. At times it seemed the only target that was hit was the mountain. The Utah wind can be flat out diabolical. But here I am getting way out over my skis with this story and I haven’t even set the stage.
Summer of Love and the Love of Summer
July is here. Summer is here. Summer is, and to be fair, spring, too, the season for outdoor recreation. It’s also the season for long waits at the emergency room should you find yourself in need of such services. I live in a rural area. Just a few miles north and east of my little community is a large swath of national forest that has a nice network of trails where people can ride dirt bikes, all terrain vehicles, side-by-sides, and Jeeps.
Under Pressure: Stress is Always Around the Corner
It comes in waves. What? Well, lots of things. Good things, bad things, Inconsequential things, highly consequential things, and things that mean nothing to anyone but you, and things that mean everything to the people who surround you. Waves of productivity and waves of stagnation. Waves of joy and waves of grief. Each yearly journey around the sun draws the sea up for these waves, the ones that bless us and the ones that swamp us and in between there’s a calm where things are just moving along fine– smooth sailing.
Top 5 BB Replicas for 2024
What’s been happening for Umarex in 2024? Quite a lot actually. We thought we’d take a few moments to show you guys what you’ve been buying, first in the BB replica category. In a later installment we will look at pellet rifles, and then accessories. You might be missing out on something you didn’t even know we had! But with this first batch of best sellers, I’m afraid there are no surprises. None. Zero. Zip. Nada. What do I mean? See below!
Top 5 Umarex Air Rifles (so far) in 2024
It’s 2024 and you guys have really been picking up our air rifles. Which ones? We will get to that in just a minute. I don’t know if you will be surprised, but I was, just a little bit. Not to spoil the ending, but to quote Bob Dylan, “The times, they are a changin’.” Trends come and go, but I think something more than just a trend is at play here. Let’s dig in!
They Have Arrived
And it’s about time. Yes, the Gauntlet 2SL in .22 and .25 have arrived. In case you need a reminder, the Gauntlet has historically used a bolt action system, but now the new generation of the Gauntlet is equipped with a side lever. We were able to introduce the .30 caliber Gauntlet SL earlier in the year and it was a huge success. We sold out in a short period of time and have been awaiting a restock. Moreover, the people who chose the G30 SL loved the side lever and love the big 24 cubic inch tank and consistent performance the Gauntlet is known for.
Komplete Giveaway
There’s always good news and bad news when it comes to just about anything. We tried really hard to get you guys all the good news first when it came to the Komplete and I think we did a fair job of that. We were able to launch the product and sell them on the same day. Unfortunately we were only able to get a small load of Kompletes shipped in for the launch.
The Strategic Advantage of Nitrogen Cartridge Rifles for Preppers
In the world of emergency preparedness, ensuring that one has reliable and efficient tools is paramount. Among these tools, nitrogen cartridge rifles, like the Umarex Komplete™ NCR, have emerged as a significant asset for preppers. These rifles, which utilize cartridges pre-filled with nitrogen gas to a pressure of 3,600 psi, offer several unique advantages that make them an excellent choice for survival scenarios. Here, we delve into why these innovative airguns are gaining popularity in the prepper community.
What’s the Dope on Scopes? Part 3
In this last installment of this series we will look at some hot features found on some optics these days such as Illumination, built in Range Finders, and main Tube Size. While this series has not been exhaustive in optics related information, we do hope it has helped shed some light on the field of shooting optics.